FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2020 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

County Council

County Council Council History Frederick County transitioned from the County Commissioner form of government to the Charter form of government on December 1, 2014. Under Charter Government, there is an Executive Branch with a County Executive and a Legislative Branch with a County Council. For many years, all five County Commissioners were elected in at-large elections by all county voters. Under Charter government, the seven- member Council consists of five members elected by district and two elected at- large. Council members have the power to initiate legislation. 7KH &RXQFLO¶V 5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV 7KH &RXQW\ &RXQFLO¶V UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV DUH VSHFLILHG LQ WKH )UHGHULFN &RXQW\ Charter and Maryland State law.

Legislation: As the legislative branch of government, the Council's major responsibility is enacting the laws of Frederick County. The legislative body authorizes the issuance of all County bonds. The Council amends the zoning code and approves the County's Comprehensive Plan. Frederick County Code, which contains current laws for the County, can be found on-line at www.municode.com. Budget: The Council is responsible for approving county spending. Each year, the County Executive submits a recommended operating and capital budget for review and approval by the Council. The Council's powers include annual authorization of the County's operating and capital budgets as well as approval of County tax rates. Constituent Service: Constituent service is a primary focus of Council Members. They and their professional support staff are available to assist citizens in dealing with &RXQW\ JRYHUQPHQW RU WR ZRUN RQ WKH FRQVWLWXHQW¶V EHKDOI RQ SUREOHPV related to the State or federal government. Council Members help residents with questions or concerns relating to road repair, the County's growth and development, zoning, animal control, building code problems, liquor violations, and many other matters. Appointment Confirmations: Another Council responsibility includes confirming appointments of volunteers, which are recommended by the County Executive, to various County boards and commissions.


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