FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

County Administrative Services the demands of the local economy. Serve at least five businesses per month by providing customized candidate recruitment services. Increase levels of business engagement and input before, during and after training program development to ensure programs meet the needs of businesses. Partner with Economic Development staff to ensure seamless and quality business support. Leverage funds and partnerships with stakeholders to provide more work and learn-based experiences to assist businesses in closing skill and pipeline gaps. Establish a strong incumbent worker program to support businesses who need to train their current workforce in order to remain competitive in our economy. Use cohort, class size models for training to meet businesses needs and increase the skills and competitiveness of our job seeker customers. Provide educational opportunities for local businesses around workforce strategies Identify meaningful w RUNIRUFH WRSLFV WR HQKDQFH HPSOR\HUV¶ DFFHVV WR WDOHQW SRROV WKH\ PD\ QRW W\SLFDOO\ FRQVLGHU (example: apprenticeship, hiring veterans, returning citizens, etc.) and coordinate educational events around the special topics. Grow professional development levels of staff No less than quarterly, provide professional development opportunities for all staff to keep services and programs relevant to businesses, adults, and youth. Grow the number of staff who have credentials recognized in the workforce development profession. Increase family self-sufficiency and growth opportunities through skill development and career pathways Effectively use labor market data during employment and training planning with adults and youth to assure they have adequate information on job availability/job openings, skills, education required at various levels of the careers, wage data and career progression options, and training providers offering programs and credentials that are industry-recognized. Establish effective follow up service protocols that ensure continuity and career advisement even after customers achieve employment goals. Provide youth access to economic and career opportunities Expand focus and outreach to the most vulnerable youth, particularly out-of-school, disconnected youth. Assist youth in developing goals and planning of program services along a career pathway in a high-demand industry that incorporates academic and occupational education leading to economic self-sufficiency. Increase the percentage of disadvantaged and unemployed youth who participate in work-based learning experiences. Identify ways to effectively use technology in the delivery of workforce services and provide meaningful access to services Create virtual service options to expand availability of programs to the public. Review current outreach materials and VRFLDO PHGLD SODWIRUPV IRU LPSURYHPHQW 'HVLJQ DQG LPSOHPHQW FDUHHU VHUYLFH RSWLRQV WKDW JR EH\RQG ³QRUPDO EXVLQHVV KRXUV´ DQG HQVXUH DFFHVVLELOLW\ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources Mission Statement Offer practical solutions for protecting the environment, conserving energy and living sustainably. The Office of Sustainability advances practical solutions for protecting the environment, conserving energy and living sustainably in Frederick County, Maryland. This Office collaborates with County Divisions, businesses, citizens, and other organizations to advance improvements and innovation in Sustainability. The Office manages the Comprehensive Energy Plan, maintains LEED Cities and Counties silver certification, collaborates with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments on regional issues related to climate change, air, and water, manages grants for bus electrification and energy


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