FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

County Administrative Services

County Administrative Services To efficiently lead the County, the County Executive has aligned the budgets of five offices with the Chief Administrative Officer to form the County ([HFXWLYH¶V 2IILFH ,QFOXGHG KHUH DUH EXGJHW s for the County Administration, Office of Economic Development and Workforce Services , the Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources , the Communications Department , and the Budget Office . _________________________________________________________________________________________________ County Administration Mission Statement Support the County Executive and County Divisions The County Administration department oversees the managerial function of the County government. The Chief Administrative Officer assists the County Executive in management, planning, execution and implementation of programs and activities. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Office of Economic Development Mission Statement Increase the overall economic health of Frederick County through attracting new businesses in our targeted industries and helping existing businesses be more successful. This Office serves as the primary contact for the business community, with a focus on job creation and commercial capital investment. Economic Development works to attract new businesses to the county, retain and grow existing businesses, and assist entrepreneurs and small business. Targeted industries include Biosciences, Computing and IIT, Hospitality and Tourism, Professional, Engineering, Scientific and Technical Services, Logistics & Distribution, Value-Added Agriculture, and Manufacturing. P DUWQHUVKLSV ZLWK WKH 0DU\ODQG :RPHQ¶V %XVLQHVV &HQWHU DQG )UHGHULFN ,QQRYDWLYH 7HFKQRORJ\ Center support WKH &RXQW\¶V strategic focus on entrepreneurship and small business support.

Strategic Goals Retain and Support Expansion of Existing Businesses

Design and implement Frederick Top 50 Program and a formal Business Retention and Expansion program. Support Fort Detrick as an economic engine to the region. Support municipal economic development in business retention and expansion efforts. Expand Business Appreciation Week. Develop a new diversity and inclusion strategy. Participate in local business outreach to foster business relationships. Execute a County marketing strategy to communicate with existing businesses, highlight retention and expansion efforts and successes. Identify and track data indicators that inform retention and expansion strategies and actions.


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