FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Fund Budgets

Board of Education

Board of Education In Maryland, public schools are part of a statewide system of county school boards. The school boards' political boundaries conform to the county boundaries. The purpose of the Board of Education of Frederick County, is to operate the local public school system in accordance with state and community standards. Schools are funded with local, State, and Federal monies. Frederick County has the oversight responsibility for approval and partial funding of the Board's operating budget. For the 2020-2021 school year, the Frederick County Public Schools will serve a projected 44,059 students throughout the county. Frederick County is home to 38 elementary schools, 13 middle schools, 10 high schools, 3 public charter schools, an alternative school, a special education school, Flexible Evening High, & a Career & Technology Center. In support of its mission, the FCPS has over 6,000 professionals and support employees. General supervision and management of FCPS is provided by the superintendent of schools. Under the direction of the superintendent, the system's 68 schools are supported by a number of central office functions, including human resources, student services, purchasing, accounting and finance, food service, transportation, maintenance, facility planning, warehouse, technical services, security and curriculum development. In Frederick County, a seven-member board of education sets policy not otherwise controlled by state and federal laws. The Board of Education also monitors the implementation of the school system's master plan, reviews the work of the superintendent of schools, and gives final approval to curriculum matters and materials, grant applications, key staff appointments, equipment purchases, land acquisitions, and major school construction, repairs and alterations. Budget Highlights Operating Budget: FCPS continues to experience enrollment growth. The adjusted actual September 30 th enrollment increased by 924 students from FY2019 to FY2020. This adjusted actual enrollment is used to GHWHUPLQH WKH &RXQW\¶V 0DLQWHQDQFH RI (IIRUW 02( IXQGLQJ UHTXLUHG E\ 0DU\ODQG ODZ 7KH &RXQW\¶V 02( PDQGDWH ZDV LQFUHDVHG E\ 7KH &RXQW\¶V DGRSWHG budget included an additional $7,000,000 above MOE and additional in-kind services of nine new school health positions and $2,000,000 for Chromebook purchased E\ WKH &RXQW\¶V ,QWHUDJHQF\ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ 'LYLVLRQ For FY2021, FCPS projected the enrollment to increase by 1,460 students from projection to projection. These enrollment projections are used to determining staffing for schools. Due to the projected enrollment increases, FCPS will add 95.90 school-based positions including teachers, administrators, and support staff. Additionally, FCPS will add 84.65 positions to meet the needs of an expanding system, including operations, custodial, technology, secretarial, and mental health professionals. As FCPS welcomes additional students, the operating budget includes expenditures to meet the needs of the growing population and infrastructure. In FY2021, FCPS expenditures focus on inflationary increases, additional resources to address student needs, continuation and the expansion of programs, strategic replacement cycles, and operational needs. Capital Budget (not shown) : As enrollments have increased, infrastructure needs have increased as well. The FY2021 capital budget adds new schools to the system as well as replacing aging infrastructure. In August of 2020, the replacement Urbana Elementary School will open for students. In June of 2021, the Rock Creek School will open in a new facility, located in Walkersville. Throughout FY2021, construction will begin or continue on Oakdale Middle School addition, the new Blue Heron Elementary School, and the replacement Waverley Elementary School


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