FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget County Profile


Frederick County, Maryland

Frederick County, approximately 45 miles from Baltimore Maryland and Washington, D.C. is 0DU\ODQG¶V largest county in land area at 667 square miles.

Frederick County was create G RXW RI 3ULQFH *HRUJH¶V County on June 10, 1748. It is believed the name of the County originated with Frederick, the sixth and final Baron of Baltimore. The County government was administrated by a Levy Court, appointed by an act of the Maryland State Legislature, until December 26, 1851, when the first elected Board of County Commissioners took office. On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, the Voters of Frederick County approved a new form of Government. Charter of Frederick County, Maryland went into effect December 1, 2014. Frederick County was a center of conflict during the Civil War. Two major battles of the war were fought in Frederick County. The Battle of South Mountain was a prelude to the battle of Antietam. In the Battle of Monocacy, Union forces delayed the advance of a Confederate army marching on Washington, DC until UHLQIRUFHPHQWV FRXOG DUULYH WKHUHE\ VDYLQJ WKH QDWLRQ¶V FDSLWDO State and national parks preserve the sites of these battles. Catoctin Mountain Park, part of the national park system, is the site of the Camp David presidential retreat.

Winchester Hall ± 12 East Church Street Frederick Maryland Main office of Frederick County Government


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